Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spanish Candy: An Experiment in Self Motivation/Discipline

The vidlings are growing restless, so I must appease them with another blog post. That is, I think maybe one person complained about my sporadic updates as of late, and I got to thinking about how maybe my unreliability and seeming lack of sticktoitiveness in terms of blogging could be generalized to the rest of my life and it made me feel bad about myself. And, you know, there's no better motivation than the need for reassurance that you're not as slothful as, say, a sloth. Except for maybe...


Sugus are basically Spain's version of Starbursts. They're actually Swiss in origin, but now they're owned by Wrigley and I guess they're pretty popular in Spain. They're available everywhere I go in Cádiz.

Like Starbursts, they're highly addictive and they make you feel disgusting if you eat a whole bag in one sitting. Which I've done (sloth, gluttony... let's see how many deadly sins I can rack up in one blog post).

Unlike Starbursts--packages of which contain a measly four colors and flavors--each package of Sugus boasts a whopping FIVE colors and flavors, which I will now list in order of how much sense each pairing makes, from most to least:

1. orange=orange
-Okay, I'm with you.
2. yellow=lemon
-Seems reasonable.
3. red=strawberry
-Not really breaking any ground there.
4. purple=cherry
-You know what? Sure. Cherries sometimes have a sort of purplish tint to them. Seems like an elegant solution to the whole strawberries-and-cherries-are-both-red-fruits thing.
5. blue=pineapple
-Wait, what?

Seeing as I have both a terrible sweet tooth and a proclivity for procrastination, I devised a clever plan to make myself update this blog more often and it involves Sugus. So today I went to Carrefour Express (a grocery-store-type-deal not far from where I live now) and purchased a big bag of Sugus (pictured above).

Here's the plan, pure and simple: I get one Sugu every time I finish and post an update to this blog. I'm killing two birds with one stone here, because in addition to motivating myself to update more often, I'm curbing my Sugu intake, as it's unlikely I'll write 100 blog posts in one day. 

It's already past midnight and the idea of eating even one Sugu at this hour is actually sort of nauseating, but I think breaking a rule already would set a bad precedent, so... I think I'll have a red. Want one? Too bad. I need them for my blog.

And since the content of this blog post thus far has been only tenuously linked to Spain (in that Sugus are a popular candy in Cádiz), here's this week's installment of


  • naranja: orange (the fruit)
  • limon: lemon
  • fresa: strawberry
  • cereza: cherry
  • piña: pineapple

UPDATE: My test was not as difficult as I had anticipated. I passed with an 8 out of 10, which is apparently "notable." 


    1. I wanted to ask if they had Necco Wafers but I couldn't remember the name. So I Googled "flat chalky candy disks" and came up with the name immediately.

    2. "Notably not that great", I think is what they're going for.

    3. Hahaha, Necco Wafers are kind of gross.

      And at least I'm not that great in a way that's notable, rather than unexceptional.

    4. There not a Spanish candy the Portuguese made them first
