Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome, Vidlings!

So true to form, I've left nearly everything to the last minute, including the creation of this blog, which I sort of threw together just now. I think it looks pretty cool, though. Like the banner at the top? Yeah, I made that. No big deal or anything.

First things first. It's called La Vida Vid (which I think is pretty clever) but no one following this blog is obligated to call me Vid. You can if you want, but most people call me David or Dave and those both work just fine.

I am, however, actually going to call you guys Vidlings. Maybe. We'll see. But that's the risk you're taking in following this blog.

Even though a large portion of the people following this blog will probably just be family and friends, this is also for school, so as I continue blogging I'm going to try to find the appropriate balance of informality and... (hopefully?) good writing. This post is nonsense and you're free to stop reading it now. In fact, I might stop writing it now. Just wanted to post something before I leave for Albany Airport and, ultimately, freakin' SPAIN.

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