Saturday, January 22, 2011

Layover Fun

Eventually, the novelty of having a blog will wear off, and I'll only write a post when I have something worth reporting (hopefully I'll have something worth reporting once a week, because that's part of the assignment). Until then, you'll be treated to my aimless ramblings whenever I get a free second!

It must be obvious to the people around me that I don't travel very often. I almost laughed when the security guy in Albany told me he needed my shoes; I thought maybe it was security guy humor. Then I saw everyone else dutifully removing their footwear without being asked and I felt sort of sheepish.

So anyway I'm in Philadelphia Airport right now, waiting until my flight to Madrid starts boarding. I hope this plane is more comfortable than the plane I just came in on. Otherwise it's going to be a LONG flight.

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