Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spanish People Know Where It's At

Today is the last day of the medieval market in Plaza de San Antonio. I went for a quick visit this morning and despite my efforts to prevent it, this happened:

So that was pretty horrifying.

I also spent 3€ on this:

You probably can't really see them because of the giant green pepper obscuring them in the picture, but there are nine french fries on this plate. I counted.

I suppose I shouldn't be complaining; I'm sure the vendors were only thinking of my health. Then one of them got up and told me I'd have to order something else if I wanted to eat at the tables in the shade.

I have a feeling the inclusion of this thing in the festivities has more to do with its awesomeness than with its medievalness:

Spanish people seem to love Spider-man. I see him everywhere. It's just more support for my "Spanish People Know Where It's At" theory.

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