Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lions and ninjas and clowns, oh my!

I just went for a quick run along the waterfront (which is always more enjoyable than I expect it's going to be; I think I'll just have to bring a view of the bright blue ocean with me whenever I go for a run) and by the time I returned to Plaza de San Antonio, Carnaval was in full swing.

All the little kids are dressed up, as well as some adults. So far I've seen a lion, a dinosaur, a couple Spider-mans, a couple Batmans, a Mario, a Snow White, a Woody from Toy Story, a couple clowns, a Linguini from Ratatouille, a ninja, and a couple ninja turtles. There are street vendors everywhere selling balloons shaped like Spongebob, Patrick, Dora the Explorer (interesting side note: In Spain, Dora teaches little kids to count in English), and a number of potentially Spanish characters I don't recognize.

There's a giant stage set up in Plaza de San Antonio, which is right near my apartment, and there seems to be some type of performance going on as I write this. I stopped and watched part of it on the way back from my run, but from what I can gather, the show consists mostly of costumed adults crawling around the stage on hands and knees while circus music blares through the speakers. To be fair, there was a costumed little girl on a swing they'd set up above the stage; that was pretty cool. Also, I think a lot of the performances happening during Carnaval are put on by townspeople and not professionals. I suppose one has to appreciate the authenticity and charm.

Anyway, being there in the midst of all the festivities made me wish I had brought my camera on my run with me (on the other hand, trying to run with a bulky camera in hand would have made me wish I'd left it at home) and it also reminded me that my Flip is broken, so I won't be able to film any of the cool street performances this week. Which is pretty lame. So I apologize for the lack of video content, but expect some pictures of Carnaval de Cádiz 2011 in the near future.

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